Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fundraising Update!

Donations are beginning to come in! I'm so excited that other people are supporting me. It's always uncomfortable asking for money. I feel like with this experience, its more a matter of sharing my story and the stories of other YAVs, and others will get interested. Prayers, thoughts, and the rest will come.
Thank you, PHPC Godspell (and Sunday School and the Bible) performances for so effectively teaching me:
"Don't worry about tomorrow, for today has enough worries of its own. Don't ask 'what am I to eat, what am I to drink'" Then, in the PHPC Godspell version, somebody asks "But what am I to eat" and in unison everyone replies

"Don't ask that!"

I now have another story to personify that verse to me- the thoughts and prayers and donations that are pouring in in support of my upcoming YAV year!

Thanks so much!

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